Follows the adventures of wealthy entrepreneur Bruce Wayne, also known as the Caped Crusade Batman and his young ward Dick Grayson also known as Batman's sidekick Robin the boy wonder as they battle evildoers in Gotham City.
The following is an episode list for the 1966 Batman television series starring Adam West and Burt Ward. Season 1 aired two episodes per week, on Wednesdays and Thursdays at 7:30 p.m. ET / PT, and followed a single storyline per week.
Watch Batman Free Online | The HD-remastered classic ‘60s crime universe of Gotham City’s fiercest fighter, Batman, comes to life with Robin, Catwoman, the Joker and more.
The long-awaited 1960s TV series featuring Adam West (as Batman) and Burt Ward (as The Boy Wonder Robin) has finally arrived in Digital HD with all 120 episodes!