Since the “Zeitenwende”, the shape of Switzerland’s neutrality has once again become a controversial subject domestically.
Menstruation is a normal occurrence for thousands of the university community. In order to ensure the best possible work and study environments for their members, ETH Zurich has launched a project to ...
The research interest of Simon Muntwiler lies in the development of advanced control and estimation algorithms to enable safe and robust control of large-scale complex systems with uncertain model ...
ETH-Forschende untersuchten den Beginn einer Endosymbiose, des Zusammenlebens eines Bakteriums in einem Pilz. Dazu injizierten sie Bakterien in Zellen eines Pilzes. Sie beobachteten, dass sich die so ...
ETH researchers investigated the beginning of endosymbiosis, the stable coexistence of a bacterium in a fungus. To do this, they injected bacteria into cells of a fungus. They observed that the ...
ETH Zürich Wählen Sie ein Departement Departemente D-ARCH: Architektur D-BAUG: Bau, Umwelt und Geomatik D-BSSE: Biosysteme D-INFK: Informatik D-ITET: Informationstechnologie und Elektrotechnik D-MATL: ...
The Department of Computer Science ( at ETH Zurich invites applications for a tenured professorship or an assistant professorship (tenure track) in computer science with focus on ...
ETH Diversity initiates, manages and supports projects that promote an equality-orientated, family-friendly, non-discriminatory and barrier-free university. On this page you will find projects by and ...
Werden Begegnungen von Forschenden, Arbeitskolleg:innen oder Studierenden diverser, inklusiver und barrierefreier gestaltet, führt dies zu qualitativ hochwertiger Zusammenarbeit und ...
Sprache stellt das primäre Medium zur Kommunikation dar. Sie beeinflusst Wahrnehmung und Interpretation der Realität, die letztendlich in Haltungen und Verhalten resultieren. Sprache übermittelt ...
Associate Professor at the Department of Health Sciences and Technology ...