Pope Francis is skeptical of artificial intelligence’s effects on humanity, and on Thursday he released an encyclical ...
In an era of artificial intelligence, "we cannot forget that poetry and love are necessary to save our humanity,’’ Pope ...
The encyclical, issued on Oct. 24, examines the transformative power of Jesus’ heart as a font of healing for a divided world ...
In this encyclical devoted to the Sacred Heart devotion, the Argentine pope reiterated Pope Pius XI and Pius XII's critique ...
Pleasure and enjoyment are not the only reasons why the Holy Father has extolled the value of food and nutrition. Throughout ...
But another notable event took place yesterday—something that some thought was a calculated distraction from the business of ...
A WORLD that has become “heartless” and a Church searching for revitalisation must both open up to Christ’s infinite love, ...
With the encyclical Dilexit Nos, the head of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops says Pope Francis has offered a ...
Pope Francis wrote in his encyclical that in the era of artificial intelligence (AI), “we cannot forget that poetry and love ...
VATICAN CITY (CNS) — A world that has become “heartless” and indifferent to greed and war, and a Catholic Church in need of ...
Today, in Rome, at Saint Peter’s Basilica, in the twelfth year of his pontificate, His Holiness Pope Francis issued his latest Encyclical Letter, Dilexit Nos (“He loved us”): On the Human and Divine ...
In September of last year the Swiss Bishops’ Conference revealed an ongoing Vatican-ordered investigation into the reported ...