More bad weather in Italy, with the Atlantic disturbance stationed over the Mediterranean and which will bring rain and thunderstorms in the next few hours to Sardinia, the north-west and Tuscany.
In just a few days of work, an inconvenience that had lasted for years was eliminated. From via Cammino nuovo, in Cagliari, the barriers and scaffolding that had been uglying the walls of Castello ...
Five meters in circumference and 17 in height. The Island has already won last year with the wild olive tree of Santu Baltolu known as “Il Patriarca”, more than 3 thousand years old The ...
A 16-year-old boy was stabbed during a fight that occurred today outside the Martino Filetico high school in Ferentino, in the province of Frosinone. It happened around 2:00 p.m., the high school ...
After bringing floods to the Sahara, an intense cyclone is heading towards Italy. Lorenzo Tedici, meteorologist of the website, confirms that the low pressure, which also passed ...
An operation by the State Police is underway in Seminara, in the Reggio Calabria area, and in some cities in northern Italy, which is executing nine precautionary custody orders against as many ...
Kylian Mbappé is "stunned" to see his name mentioned by the media in a rape investigation opened in Stockholm, but remains "calm" because "he has nothing to reproach himself for", the lawyer of ...
A profound, extreme text that shakes the soul and leaves an indelible mark. Giovanni Trudu, a young director from Cagliari, fearlessly tackles one of the most difficult and intense texts of ...
Collapse of portions of the attic in the house on Via Satta in Porto Torres. A woman ended up in the emergency room of the civil hospital in Sassari. Her conditions are not serious. The static ...
A twenty-seven-year-old was arrested in Cagliari on suspicion of possession of narcotics for the purpose of dealing. The facts date back to last night, when during a check, the Flying Squad ...
Compound fracture to the left arm and a lot of fear. The 68-year-old woman living in Porto Torres, injured in the collapse of the attic in the apartment on the first floor of the Area building in ...
Betting, threats and racism. As if the crisis of results that relegates them to the second to last place in the Serie D standings were not enough, the bomb from the Federal Prosecutor's Office ...