Reporter: What is the situation of the workforce in Valea Jiului? Are we talking about an aging workforce or are there also ...
"In the second semester, the impact of weather conditions on the group's agricultural production will have to be monitored", ...
The shareholders are convened at the end of November for the revocation of the board members and the election of a sole ...
Digitalization of public administration, implementation of smart city solutions, how to access European funds and training ...
One of the main holiday destinations for Romanians, Greece, has faced major challenges this year. The country faced in 2024 ...
The Secretary General of the UN, Antonio Guterres, yesterday called for peace in the Gaza Strip, but also for an immediate ceasefire in Lebanon and Ukraine, reports the EFE agency.
FormaÅ£ia bucureÅŸteană FCSB a fost învinsă, joi seara, în deplasare, scor 4-0, de echipa scoÅ£iană Glasgow Rangers, în etapa a ...
Roberto Mancini nu mai este selecţionerul Arabiei Saudite, contractul său fiind reziliat de comun acord, a anunţat joi ...
* (Interviu cu Marek Nowakowski, directorul general al Exorigo-Upos România)Reporter: Cum aÅ£i descrie industria de e-commerce ...
Secretarul general al ONU, Antonio Guterres, a cerut ieri pace în FâÅŸia Gaza, dar ÅŸi încetarea imediată a focului în Liban ÅŸi ...
Relations between the EU and Israel have been marked by increased complexity in recent years, being influenced by several ...
RelaÅ£iile dintre UE ÅŸi Israel au fost marcate de o complexitate crescută în ultimii ani, fiind influenÅ£ate de mai mulÅ£i ...