Cooper has made some changes after acquiring Cape Regional, but when will they change that hard-to-see dirty windsock for the helicopter pilots?
Harris on Fox News tonight for 1/2 hour is not enough - she needs to be on there for one hour at least - for a 1/2 hours she is going to run out the clock on one q ...
Trump is gonna give away the store to get elected by telling people he will be eliminating taxes on tips, overtime pay and social security. He promised to build a ...
The DRBA recently promoted a walking challenge for its' workforce authority wide. It was a great way to encourage wellness and friendly competition. Kudos to all parti ...
Lower Township - Gee, after watching all of the Trump anti-immigrant commercials I want to be scared, but all is I see every day in the county are people from south of the border ...
North Cape May - Biden - Harris - Blinken have made things worse in the Middle East - anyone disagree? Thank you for reading & participating. Spout Off is funded by advertising. Please disable or ...
Trump's campaign is focused on the "illusion" of winning this election. Here's the thing......he will lose. When the dust settles, the pollsters go home and election d ...
FEMA sent an email to the U.S. Forest Service on Saturday. It said a National Guard unit working for the agency "came across some militia members who said they w ...
Hillary had 2,868,686 more votes than Trump but lost because of the electoral college. She didn’t encourage people to storm the Capitol Bldg. Biden beat Trump b ...
Finally the Dems admitted that Laken Riley's murder was the fault of Biden - Harris border policies - Bill Clinton would have never said that if he did not believe ...
A new survey of economists by the Wall Street Journal, found that most economists believe that former President Donald Trump would pursue a more inflationary poli ...
To the Court House individual complaining about the luxury boat flying the Confederate flag along with a Trump flag. They have every right to fly their flag as do the i ...