Naruto Uzumaki, the renowned ninja from the anime series Naruto, is known for his immense strength. However, when compared to ...
Naruto is jam-packed with flashy jutsu, from the monstrous Susanoo to the dreadful Infinite Tsukoyomi. In Naruto, jutsu are ...
Jiraiya mastered the Rasengan, as well as Fire ... Ancient cycles influence the world Naruto Uzumaki is born into, but new cycles also manifest during his journey, like his rivalry with Sasuke Uchiha.
As a member of the Legendary Sannin, he plays a crucial role in training Naruto Uzumaki, imparting essential ninja techniques ...
Himawari's unique bond with Kurama could allow her to master Baryon Mode without dying.
But there are more important things to them than this bond. For instance, to Kawaki, the relationship with Naruto Uzumaki is far more important because he's the one who ended up saving his life.