and the top new documentary release in the United States. The film follows Guy Seemann, a political analyst, who spent eight ...
Celebrate Veteran’s Day with History Channel’s documentary “The American Soldier,” which will examine the bond between U.S.
Nanfu Wang has crafted a filmography that speaks truth to power.
With BEATLES '64, Martin Scorsese and David Tedeschi offer a never-before-seen documentary on the Beatles' first American ...
The documentary “Join or Die” focuses on social scientist Robert Putnam and his theories about the value of joining clubs as ...
Jack Hawkins Jr. hopes his story of building ties with Lê Công Cơ will give fellow veterans faith in a better tomorrow.
and the top new documentary release in the United States. The film follows Guy Seemann, a political analyst, who spent eight years traveling across the United States, living with families and ...